

Follow me, I like blog!! Thankss!!

In that case it'd be helpful if you wouldn't ask your q's anonymously - I got no clue who you are ;-)

Ask me anything


what does 23 on the ano-scale mean? and who do you think i am?

The "ano scale" is the anonymousity scale, but it was just I joke - I have no idea who you are.

Ask me anything



now, how anonymous is this thing?

23 on the ano-scale! And I guess I know who your are.

Ask me anything


wat do you prefer subway or mcdonalds

SUBWAY ftw!!! I love burgers, hate McD though. Burger King stuff is edible... but Mäc: Yuck!

Ask me anything



can you make me a formspring background?

You're flatting me - but I fear not; there are much more talented guys out there when it comes to graphics :-)

But you might want to use my spacing template as a starting point: http://blog.datadirt.net/2009-12/datadirt-geek-supplies-background-template-for-formspring/

Ask me anything


What qualifies as a "st00pid question" (so that we can learn and stop asking them)?

In German, there's a saying: "There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers."

There are st00pid q's though on the other hand - and these are questions that neither need to be answered nor is the one who asks the questions interested in an answer.

Ask me anything


Nutzt du foursquare? Wenn ja, hast du keine Bedenken?

Nein, ich verwend's nicht aktiv. Ist mir zu mühsam und ich sehr überhaupt keinen Vorteil drin!

Aber ja, du hast recht - in punkto Geo-Location könnte man einige Bedenken haben.

Ask me anything



what do you do on here??

Generally, I answer questions. Plus I delete some of the st00pid ones.

Ask me anything


what would you say if i asked you to come meet me at a hotel?

I seriously have no idea since you

a) asked this q anonymously
b) didn't tell me if you want to meet me at the hotel bar or in your double bedroom.

Ask me anything


How many languages do you speak? :O

2 and 1/2: I speak German and English fluently, plus a little French plus very little Spanish (hope to improve on that soon!)

Ask me anything


why d uhave a premium account and how old are you?

I can haz premium account because I'm I'm just *that* cool :-)

Now, seriously - was just a design joke and I'm 33.

Ask me anything


How's your body?

Great, thanks. Generally, it responds very well to my needs :-)

Ask me anything



Kann man drm geschütze Mobipocket ebooks konvertieren, so dass ich diese via Stanza auf das iPhone bringen kann?

Keine Ahnung, hab kein Eiertelefon zum Testen; iTunes kommt mir auf die Pladde.

Ask me anything


whats good?

Life is good, so enjoy it!

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